About romantic wedding ceremony in Cefalù
A romantic wedding ceremony in Cefalù lived Andrea and Giovanni, a loving couple living in Paris, decided to leave France to pursue the dream of their life. They began to travel visiting many places around the world. This year-long voyage brought the two in Sicily, Giovanni’s homeland. Andrea remained fascinated by this island which had so much in common with her country, Venezuela. The couple decided to marry in Sicily.
For the wedding ceremony they chose the unique Norman Cathedral of Cefalù UNESCO Heritage Site, beautifully adorned with lovely flower arrangements. Friends and relatives coming from different places of the world were impressed by the place and how everything was organized.
All together they strolled along the charming town streets where tourists and residents cheerfully crowded shops and cafès. They reached the sea where picturesque town houses overlooked the sandy beach. Ahead, the scenic small port with its colourful fishing boats became the perfect setting for an outstanding wedding photographs.
They left Cefalù to reach Palazzo Villarosa in Bagheria, an outstanding wedding venue dating back to the 18th century. This aristocratic residence, where the wedding reception took place, was exceptional under every aspect. The magnificent palace and the view of the sea in the distance were spectacular. Everything was perfect, the wedding reception was organized as a mix of Sicilian and Venezuelian traditions.
Andrea, the bride, loves music and she loves to dance, so the band played Latin American music all night long. After dinner the couple and the guests danced the typical hora loca dance wearing costumes and masks as used in Venezuela.
A fantastic wedding we will never forget!
Thank you very much for fantastic photography to @Fulvia Bernacca https://reportagedimatrimoni.it
written by @Marialina Bommarito